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Top 20 Primary Schools in Singapore

Disciplining Kids :: Different strokes for different folks

SINGAPOREANS sometimes assume that since I'm a white guy, I don't cane my kids.

I do.

I'm not proud of the fact, but neither am I particularly ashamed - I file it under "You gotta do what you gotta do."

When my youngest son Skyler was still a toddler, he had a problem with biting.

Well, actually, HE didn't have a problem. He bit just fine.

It was the people he bit who had the problem.

One night while my wife and I were getting the kids ready for bed, Skyler bit his big brother Jet on the arm.

He filed it under "When diplomacy fails."

But I was having none of it.

I got the cane from the next room, and then returned to the kids' bedroom.

"Skyler," I said, "do you want to bite Jet again?"

My adorable little angel nodded his head, a beatific grin on his face.

Then he went in for the kill.

And I whacked him.

Read More from Asiaone
This article was first published in The New Paper

NEWS: Singapore Ministry of Education

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